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For full list, please see: PubmedGoogle Scholar

Selected Publications:


Solana EM, Carter S, .. Das S#, Freyburg Z#. Ribosome-Associated Vesicles promote activity-dependent local translation. bioRxiv, 2024. doi:10.1101/2024.06.07.598007. (# Co- corresponding authors)


Das S#, Lituma PJ, Castillo PE, Singer RH#. Maintenance of a short-lived protein required for long-term memory involves cycles of transcription and local translation. Neuron, 2023 Jul 5;111(13):2051-2064.e6.
(# co-corresponding authors)
(Press coverage in Lasker FoundationThe ScientistEinstein NewsMedical expressNeuroscience News)


Lituma PJ, Singer RH, Das S#, Castillo PE#. Real-time imaging of Arc/1 transcription ex vivo reveals input- specific immediate early gene dynamics. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2022 Sep 12, 119 (38) e2123373119. (#co-corresponding authors)


Das S, Vera M, Gandin V, Singer RH, Tutucci E. Intracellular mRNA transport and localized translation. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2021 Jul 22(7):505.


Kharod SC, Hwang DW, Das S#, Yoon YJ#. Spatiotemporal insights into RNA-organelle interactions in neurons. Front Cell Dev Biol, 2021 Jun 10;9:663367. (# co-corresponding authors)


Sato H*, Das S*, Singer RH, and Vera M. Imaging of DNA and RNA in living eukaryotic cells to reveal spatio-temporal dynamics of gene. Ann Reviews Biochem 2020 Jun 20;89:159-187. (* equal contributions)


Das S, Singer RH, Yoon Y. The travels of mRNAs in neurons: do they know where they are going?. Curr Opin Neurobiology 2019 Aug; 57:110-116.


Das S*, Moon HK*, Park HY, and Singer RH. A transgenic mouse for imaging activity-dependent dynamics of endogenous Arc mRNA in live neurons. Science Advances.2018 Jun 20;4(6):eaar3448. (* equal contributions)

(covered in Einstein Research briefs)


Yoon Y, Wu B, Buxbaum A, Das S, Tsai A, English BP, Grimm JB, Lavis LD, Singer RH. Glutamate induced RNA localization and translation in neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2016 Nov 1;113(44):E6877-E6886.


Das S, Yin T, Yang Q, Zhang J, Wu YI, Yu J. Single-molecule tracking of Rac1 GTPase uncovers spatial regulation of membrane translocation and mechanism for polarized signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2015 Jan 20;112(3):E267-76. (F1000 Recommended)


Tatavarty V, Das S*, Yu J. Polarization of actin cytoskeleton is reduced in dendritic protrusions during early spine development in hippocampal neuron. Mol Biol Cell 2012 Aug;23(16):3167-77 (* equal contributions).


Das S, Dutta K, Kumawat KL, Ghoshal A, Adhya D, Basu A. Abrogated inflammatory response promotes neurogenesis in a murine model of Japanese encephalitis. PLoS One 2011 Mar;6(3):e17225.


Das S, Chakraborty S, Basu A. Critical role of lipid rafts in virus entry and activation of phosphoinositide 3' kinase/Akt signaling during early stages of Japanese encephalitis virus infection in neural stem/progenitor cells. J Neurochem 2010 Oct;115(2):537-49.


Das S, Basu A. Japanese encephalitis virus infects neural progenitor cells and decreases their proliferation. J Neurochem 2008 Aug;106(4):1624-36. (Press coverage in Eureka Alert, Science Daily)


Ghoshal A, Das S*, Ghosh S, Mishra MK, Sharma V, Koli P, Sen E, Basu A. Proinflammatory mediators released by activated microglia induces neuronal death in Japanese encephalitis. Glia 2007 Apr 1;55(5):483-96. (* equal contributions)

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